How to Send an Email Campaign

Once you have created and finalized your email template under templates you are ready to send your email campaign!

  1. Under campaigns click New Email Campaign.
  2. Select the template you want to send, then click next.
  3. You will be brought into the email editor one last time for any last minute changes needed. If everything looks good, click next. If everything looks good click next. Please note that if you make any changes during this part of sending the campaign it will not save to the overall template only to that specific email send.
  4. Then you will enter in your subject and preview line. If you have multiple sending email addresses make sure you pick which one you want to send from in the drop down menu.
  5. After you click next you will choose what groups or segments you want to send to. Then it is time to schedule your campaign.
  6. Select what date and time you want to send your campaign and then choose between standard or smart send. Note: Standard send will send your email for the above scheduled time. Smart Send starts sending your campaigns at the scheduled time but finds the right time for each contact that they are most likely to be in their inbox in the next 120 hours. The reason for this is to make sure your email is at the top of their inbox.
  7. Once you have selected your time and how you want to send your campaign click next and name your campaign. This name is something you will only see, so title it something that will help you remember the reason for the email. To schedule the campaign click Send Campaign. To monitor the email send click to All Campaigns, you will see your email with the scheduled time as well as all your past email campaigns.

How do I know if I should select standard send or smart send? If your email is time sensitive, use standard. Prime example is black Friday. If you want to make sure everyone gets your email on Friday instead of possible 120 hours later use standard send. For smart send we recommend monthly newsletters or emails that don’t have a time stamp on them. This way you will see better engagement rates and the content will still relate to them no matter what day of the week they receive it.

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